Smart Communications

Data and reports straight to your smartphone

  • The Customer Interface Unit can read and display meter data and hosts a variety of other functions.
  • The system enables the user supported functions to be collected via the radio.
  • All communication is secure, only you have access to your user account and data.
  • The CIU can be incorporated into full AMI (Advanced MeteringInfrastructure), aimed at automating all facets of meter management.

Our devices gives you immediate feedback on your water usage, credit balances, excessive usage detection and leak detection. The concentrator facilitates AMR(Automatic Meter Reading) to read meters on fixed network, walk-by or drive-by modes.

Flecto Sense Concentrator (FSC) is a solution designed for companies and individuals to access meter readings without having to send someone to site. Saving you time and money and making life easier.

If you would like to find our how Flecto Sense products can assist you, contact us today for more information